Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Me? A Home Wrecker???

So...apparently I've been a little bit of a home wrecker here in India. Mind you, I am using that term VERY liberally haha. Actually, I'm just joking, but listen to this story. So one of my co-workers who is my neighbor was in charge of driving me to and from work everyday. The first day of work he drove me, and because it was my first time on the motorcycle, I put my arms on his shoulders as we got started. Well, let's just say he never drove me again, another co-worker replaced him as my driver. This whole time I thought nothing of it until today when I found out the true reason why. Apparently his wife was not ok with him driving another woman ( a younger, american woman for that matter). Haha. The whole thing is very funny, and my roommate, my host mother, my host sister and I were all dieing this morning with laughter about it. Apparently that is very typical of an Indian woman to be possessive. I love all this cultural stuff I'm learning!

-Your HW!